Module 1: Linking Water, Peace & Security

This module provides an introduction to the Water Peace and Security (WPS) framework as a whole as well as the interlinkages of water, peace and security. This module outlines the WPS approach and how this is tailored to suit the broader fields of water, conflict and cooperation.

The first video introduces the concepts of water, peace, and security which are built upon in the second video which discusses their interrelations. The third video puts these concepts in context through a case study in Mali. The instruction, readings, and activities are guided by the following learning objectives:

  • Explain and identify the interlinkages of water, peace and security. Also introduce key concepts and challenges and potential relations (pathways) between water-related risks, human insecurity and conflict
  • Discuss and reflect different angles and perspectives
  • Understand the complexity and variety of water, peace and security; understand what intervening factors could influence the conflict- or cooperation-driving role of water challenges
  • Engage with the WPS approach, learn about the goals, strategies and approaches


Video 1.A: Introduction to WPS E-Learning

Video 1.B: Relationship between Water, Conflict and Peace

Video 1.C:Water and conflict linkage in Mali

Recommended readings


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Yasir Mohamed
Associate Professor of Water Resources Management | IHE Delft
Karounga Keita
Regional Director – The Sahel | Wetlands International